Pro-Anorexia Site "Skinny Gossip": Kate Upton Is a "Fatty"

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sure, she's a crush object for men all over the world (and a major source of envy for women) but to pro-anorexia site Skinny Gossip, Kate Upton is just plain — well, fat.

According to the site's anonymous author "Skinny Girl" (via Gothamist), the Sports Illustrated cover girl has "huge thighs, NO waist," and "big fat floppy boobs."

"She looks like a squishy brick. Is this what American women are 'striving' for now? The lazy, lardy look?" Skinny Girl snipes about the "piggie" 19-year-old. "Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for? Sorry, but: eww!" (In an effort to drive her point home, the writer tagged her Upton post with terms like "Thunder Thighs" and "Fatty.")

After her article received intense backlash, Skinny Girl issued a response, defending her disturbing views.

"As a thin person, I was annoyed by our double-standards around weight. For example, people think nothing of telling a thin woman — to their face, in front of an entire group of people — how skinny they are and even to suggest what they should eat," she writes.

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And while Skinny Gossip's author asserts her site is not pro-anorexia — just "pro skinny" — Gothamist points out that, for years, the blog has posted a "Starving Tip of the Day."

One example of the advice she offers is, "Compete!! Compare your body to your friends' and coworkers' bodies. Are you the thinnest? If not, why not?"

As for Skinny Girl's ultimate credo? "Live by the scale and the measuring tape," she advises.
